
the most dangerous type of skin cancer

cases of melanoma are estimated to be diagnosed in the U.S. in 2023
higher rate of scalp melanoma in men than women
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higher death rate of scalp melanoma compared to other body parts
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higher risk of death from melanoma in men ages 15-39 than women in the same age group
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lower risk of melanoma with regular daily use of an SPF 15 or higher sunscreen
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5-year survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early
0 %

What is it?

Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. It develops when the pigment producing cells in the skin, called melanocytes, overgrow. Melanoma has the ability to rapidly grow and spread to other vital organs, like the brain, lungs and liver. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or tanning beds increases the risk of developing melanoma. 

What does it look like on the scalp?

*Image Source Attribution: All images were sourced from DermNet. Link:

Melanomas commonly appear as new, changing, or unusual skin lesions and can occur on the scalp. The ABCDEs and the ‘Ugly Duckling’ sign can help you detect melanoma: 



Asymmetry: Asymmetry is a sign of melanoma. If you draw a line down the middle of the skin spot, it is asymmetric if the two halves do not match. 

Border: An uneven or irregular border with notches or ragged edges can be a sign of melanoma. 

Color: Multiple colors and shades of colors can be a sign of melanoma. Melanomas can be red, white, blue, black, and pink, and the colors can change as it grows. Melanomas can also be colorless, which is called amelanotic melanoma. 

Diameter or Dark: If the skin spot is over 6 millimeters (about the size of a pencil eraser), it can be a sign of melanoma. Also, if the spot is darker than other moles on the body, it can be a sign of melanoma. 

Evolving: Changes in color, size, and shape can all be signs of melanoma. Also, if the skin lesions starts to be painful, itch, crust or bleed, can be a sign of melanoma.

The Ugly Duckling Sign:

If a mole or skin growth looks different compared to the other moles on your body (A), it is said to have the ‘Ugly Duckling Sign.’ It is important to not only compare new skin growths to existing ones, but existing ones that may have changed and now do not resemble others. For example (B) , an ‘Ugly Duckling’ skin spot may be different in color, shape, or size. Skin spots without any neighboring ones (C) are also considered ‘Ugly Ducklings.’ 

*It is important to note, that just because a skin spot/growth does not fit the ABCDs or the ‘Ugly Duckling Sign’ does NOT mean that it is harmless. It is always safest to see a dermatologist for a professional opinion. 

How dangerous is it?

Early detection is key. Although the 5-year survival rate for melanoma is 99% if caught early, it drastically decreases if caught at a later stage. It is important to note, that melanoma on the scalp in particular, is twice as deadly compared to other parts of the body, such as on the back or arm. 

If caught early when melanoma is local (has not spread to other parts of the skin or body)
5-year survival rate 99%
The melanoma has spread regionally, to nearby structures or lymph nodes.
5-year survival rate 68%
The melanoma has spread to distant parts of the body, such as vital organs (brain, lungs, liver, or skin).
5-year survival rate 30%